Tuesday 28 September 2010

Calorie free cupcakes!

I was out shopping tonight and I found these......

....they were just staring at me as I waited in the queue in Next! Of course, I had to buy them! It would be criminal not to!

Seriously, how cute are they?!

and there are 3 different flavours

I just want to eat it! (but I won't.....that would be gross!)

So there you have it! You might not be able to actually eat them but they taste and smell delicious and they are a perfect way to carry cupcakes with you all day - guilt free!

Perfect to treat yourself or the cake/cupcake obsessive like me!


Sunday 26 September 2010

Snow White and a three year old....

My 'big little girl' turned three on Thursday and, of course, it was down to me to supply the birthday cake.

I found a lovely cake in Tesco and she loved it. We had a great day!


Ok not really!

I did get this Peppa cake but that was just for her to be able to blow her candles out on her actual birthday. We had her cousins and family on the Friday and Saturday and her proper cake was on the Saturday.

I have been thinking about what sort of cake she would like and honestly wanted to do something other than the usual options. I found a fab book by Debbie Brown and in it was the answer.....Snow White!

One thing I would say is that the Snow White in the book isn't the same colour as the 'real' Snow White, but this might be because of copyright laws of something. I just adjusted the colours so that they were the same as the 'real' one.

I wish now I had taken some photos while I was making this cake to show you the process from a non-professional side of things but I was so busy with it I forgot.....whoops!

If I was to do it again I definitely would freeze the cake before I tried carving the roof as it would've been a lot easier.

Anyway, here is my version of Debbie's Snow White cake and I have to say it went down really well ....

and she loved it....

We just had a family get together as opposed to a big party (saving money for the imminent big birthday bashes!) so we only put on a small spread..

 ....and just have to show you these little guys!

A few years ago, I decided that I was fed up lifting lots of half-eaten buns after parties, so I made mini cupcakes for the kids. Two bites for little mouths (one for adults!) and they are so cute that they were devoured! It's basically just a mini cupcake and I cut out a little piece of white sugarpaste and spayed it with pearl lustre to make it shimmer. I then added the little bees and ladybirds from Culpitt.

just to give you an idea of size....how cute are they!

So that was my little girl's cake. I had a hard time doing it but it's my own fault because I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but when I saw the finished product I was so happy! I have another little girl and she'll be 1 in January. Now what shall I make for her....


Christmas is coming....

I know, I know. It's not even October and I'm talking about Christmas! 

I'm the first person to roll my eyes when someone mentions the 'C' word any time before the middle of December. However, now that I've started making cakes and things I've found that the good decorations are already starting to sell out!
In the next few weeks I'll be on the lookout for some cute sugar decorations so if anyone spies any then give me a shout! 

I might even have to start hunting for Easter ones soon..........


Blog, Blog, Blog

I've been asked a lot if I have a website or a blog or the like so I decided that maybe I should look into it!

I tried the free websites and have this but I have been advised by those in the 'know' that blogging is the way to go.

So, here we are.

I hope you like my cakes and cupcakes and feel free to get in touch.

Talk soon, C x